Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Victoria Parmenter

"Taking A Dip". 
Palm Desert, CA. 
Canon 35 mm with Fisheye Lens. Color Extreme Film. 
20 by 30

Charleston, SC
Nikon D700. 
12 by 20

"The Cool Sister"
Palm Desert, CA
Nikon D700
30 by 20

"Double Vision" 
Charleston, SC
Nikon D700
20 by 30

"A Framed Reflection"
Charleston, SC
Nikon D700
12 by 20

"A Gathering Place"
Charleston, SC
Nikon D700
20 by 30

"Colorful Transportation"
Charleston, SC
Nikon D700
20 by 30

"A Big Tree" 
Charleston, SC
Canon 35 mm with Fisheye Lens. Color Extreme Film
30 by 20

"A Bride's Blue Suede Shoes"
Charleston, SC
Nikon D700
20 by 12

"A Private Moment"
Charleston, SC
Nikon D700
12 by 20

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