Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kate MacNeil

"Demons & Nightmares" 
4.5 inches x 5.5 inches

 "Et Tu, Brute" 
drawing (ballpoint pen and inkwash) 
5.5 feet x 4 feet (approximately)

 "Et Tu, Brute" 
Detail (1 and 2)

lithograph (3 colors) 
16 inches x 24 inches

9.5 inches x 15.5 inches

etchings & mezzotints 
30 inches x 9.5 inches (each plate is 4 inches x 6 inches)

Detail (1 and 2)

 "Prologues 1, 2, & 3" 
drawing: pen and inkwash 
each one is 11 inches x 7 inches 
(they act as a triptych and together are 33 inches x 7 inches).

 "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi" 
drawing (ballpoint pen and inkwash) 
6 feet by 4 feet (approximately)

 "Sic Transit..." 
Detail (1 and 2)

17 inches by 11 inches

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